L'Abeille Américaine



''L'Abeille américaine, Journal Historique, Politique, et Litteraire à Philadelphie'' was an American French language newspaper, based in Philadelphia The weekly newspaper, published by A.J. Blocquerst, began publication in 1815. The founder of the newspaper, Jean Simon Chaudron, had escaped from Santo Domingo. now Haiti. (''Saint-Domingue'').Smith, Winston. ''Days of Exile: The Story of the Vine and Olive Colony in Alabama''. W. B. Drake, 1967. p
114see also
. Retrieved from Google Books on August 27, 2012. "Simon and Melanie Chaudron were among the refugees who fled to Philadelphia during the Negro insurrections on Santo Domingo." and "[...]published several books of French poetry and established a Philadelphia newspaper called ''L'Abeille Americaine'' ("The American Bee")."

See also

* Francophonie * French Louisiana


External links

Le recueil des numéros de 1818

Le rôle de la presse dans la constitution du littéraire au bas-Canada et au Brésil(UQUAM)

1815 : les naufrages de l'Empire aux Amériques
1815 establishments in Pennsylvania Defunct newspapers of Philadelphia French-American culture in Philadelphia French-language newspapers published in the United States Haitian-American culture in Pennsylvania Non-English-language newspapers published in Pennsylvania Publications established in 1815 {{Pennsylvania-newspaper-stub